Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Garden Box

I took our garden box home for the summer to take good care of it! The pumpkins have been growing like crazy! The leaves are huge!

These spiral things on the pumpkin plant are called "tendrils." The kids may remember them from last fall. Do you know what the job of a tendril is?

Here are the pea plants. They have tendrils too!

There is a bloom in the middle of the photo. The flower is splitting open to reveal a small pea pod!

I will be posting photos and updates of the garden box through the summer.

Goodbye House

We read a great book towards the end of Kindergarten called "Goodbye House."

This story is about a family of bears who are moving to a new home. The father bear takes the little bear into each of the empty rooms of the house and tells him to use his imagination to see what items had filled each room. Little bear said goodbye to each of the items, which helped him say goodbye to the house when it came time to leave. In our class we were saying goodbye to Kindergarten. The kinders brainstormed what they would be saying goodbye to in Kindergarten and I wrote their ideas on chart paper. From there the kinders wrote about their goodbyes in their journals. Here are a few samples-

This one says, "Goodbye to the book boxes. Goodbye to my old brains. Goodbye to the old stuff, it's gone because I am going to First Grade!"

The kinders really enjoyed the story and saying their goodbyes in their journals! This helped them say goodbye to Kindergarten when the last day came.